
Welcome to my very first blog and my very first blog post. This is a new beginning for me as I set out on my journey to live fully and freely in the essence of my innermost and most authentic self. It was more than a year ago that I was called to share my realizations, thoughts and scribblings….I love to write, inspire and love but fear has been my folly and this blog is my facing that fear in the face and saying NO! I choose to Share, Inspire, Write, Shine and Love and the fears cast in me by people and events designed to hide my light will have to sit in the back seat with the rest of my ego because starting today my Innermost is driving this flesh.

Tomorrow I will begin posting articles and pieces that I’ve written and as I build my knowledge of exactly how this blogging thing works. As things progress I plan to construct bridges of peace, compassion, unity and love– a vision that I share with so many others ; A Crystalline Vision of Unconditional Love and Unity. One step at a time.

I realize that often what I wish to convey is multifaceted, so, at times you will find that I post segments under the same title (Part1,2,3) I believe we are all quite busy and that learning, growing and awakening are overwhelming so I have a goal to honor your time as you give me the honor of your attention.

See you tomorrow with Part One of ,            “Just Love” ,  an entry I wrote when I discovered that I was so caught in cognitive dissonance and self preservation that I was acting and living outside of who I truly am and contrary to my intentions.

I Am, Creator of my Emotions

ALL EMOTION is self made.

Emotion is created by what happens within you when you witness and “react to” the “thoughts” about what happens around you instead of observing the thinking that happens in the mind. What happens in the workplace, in the lives of friends and family , the behavior of others, what you see on the street, on the news, on social media etc.. is outside of you.
What happens outside of you in this world is not always going to happen your way, it very rarely does.

But what happens within you …. That should be happening your way.

Self engineering is the work we do to master our reactions to our thoughts. Thoughts embodied and reacted to instead of observed and considered are what create our emotions. Emotion has the power to create our perception of our experience in the world.
Self engineering is to do the work needed to embody your creative power over emotion and utilize this power to free yourself from allowing what happens outside of you creating the experiences you have within you.

It is in our power to manifest a peaceful inner world.

Crystal Lynn Rossi,
Crystalline Perspectives

My take on a talk by-and with many a paraphrase from: Sadhguru

“I cannot control the sun but I can control how I,
emotionally, react to and see it’s light.” -clr

“It is hard to give unlimited power to limited minds“ -Nikola Tesla

We are only limited in power when we give our power to the belief that something or someone has the power to limit us.
There is nothing that can make us weak when we choose to believe that we are strong.
We are able when we choose to know we are able.
Failure and Triumph are both results of action.
Action does not become action when the mind is limited by our commonly choosing the fleeting thoughts of powerlessness.
Every moment there are thoughts that occur in the mind , some thoughts empower us, some limit.
As you choose to believe the thoughts that motivate you to positive action and repeat those thoughts to yourself as you carry out what they give birth to- you will see evidence that you are unlimited in capability, unlimited in power.
Every action you take with faith in the unlimited conscious power that dwells within you raises your vibration and the spirit within will reveal through you the unlimited, powerful being that IS YOU.
It is hard, yes….but in no way is it impossible.
~ Crystalline💞Perspectives

Every action you take with faith in the unlimited conscious power that dwells within you raises your vibration and the spirit within will reveal through you the unlimited, powerful being that IS YOU.-CLR

Our Guiding Lights, Luna Today

Thursday, 1-6-22

Illumination: 18%
Today Luna is 4.15 days old in the Lunar cycle of 29.53 days.

Phase: Waxing Crescent 🌙
◦ Waxing means growing! We can learn a lot from Luna’s submission to growth seeing as she begins it anew every 29.53 Lunar days! Just imagine how wondrously wise one would become being constantly re-illuminated!
🤩 Wow 🤩
◦ Another term used for waxing crescent is Young Moon

🌙 Faith and optimism are rewarding during this moon phase as we are offered and apt to creating new opportunities for change that can & will be beneficial if we adopt and embody a willingness to allow them to shine on and through us.

Planetary Alignment:
Pisces ♓️ ,though some sources say Aquarius ♒️
(Eastern and Western astrology can at times be subject to polarity 😂)
We will just take a peek at both and keep all things considered !

In Pisces : When the moon is in Pisces all signs may find themselves to be a little more Emotional, Empathetic, Day Dreamy, Creative
and blessed with a Super Charged Intuition! Especially for the Pisces!
Dream It!
Just be cautious as to not allow yourself to make rational long term decisions while being overwhelmed and led solely by emotional energies. Blessed are the HSP’s and Empaths that today’s moon is in a growing phase in Pisces and not a full blown super shiner, 😏 that’s some Moon Mercy.
This is a perfect time to bless yourself with engaging in your favorite spiritual practices or the ones you keep meaning to try!

In Aquarius: With Luna in Aquarius we can trust our sharp wit and intellect for coming up with great plans and making them. (Maybe this polarity can balance out those emotions for the beautiful sensitives we love to have loving this world!
Aquarius Moons are an Amazing time for helping others and enjoying all things new.

Ruling Planet of Thursday:
Prosperity, Expansion, Spirituality
Reap, Give, Grow,
and within you shall go!
Thursday is the day of Spirituality and spiritual preparedness so:
prayer, meditation, giving and gratitude are all going to be super fulfilling today! I mean, LOOK ! Lunar planetary alignments AND the planet that rules Thursday all agree so maybe we should all take a little… OM ….time out for our souls already!

Moon Bites
(Aka delicious moon facts for hungry moon children)

In Sidereal/Eastern Astrology aka Jyotish aka Vedic astrology (wow that’s a lot of synonyms) Today is day 5 of the Lunar Calendar called Shukla Panchami , each lunar day is called a Tithi. The nature of Shukla Panchami is said to be
Lakshami Prada, which means more-less means “wealth giver” BUT it doesn’t mean to give your wealth as “loans”. Today is a great day for action and charity but by all means GIVE today and strongly avoid lending. Wouldn’t want the universe to assume you were giving that loan away now would you?


Crystal Lynn Rossi


Today’s Moon


Today’s moon is 3.09 days old today! How splendid that Luna gets to start anew, revealing her splendor once a Lunar month!

(29.53 days is a Lunar month, this is the length of time needed to go through all 8 lunar phases)

Phase: Waxing Crescent 🌙

Illumination: 10% (amount of moon illuminated by sun)

This phase is said to be a great time to view details of the moons surface.

Waxing Crescent is the first phase after a new moon, the moon is still very close to the sun and this is stage 1 of the sun illuminating Luna’s glory as she lets Sol’s fiery beams shine on her. Look to the western sky after sunset to see the first revelation of her heavenly body for the month as she teases you with just a little peek at her right side with a glimpse of her curvy glow.


Planetary Alignment: Aquarius ♒️

Focus on the new, create, enjoy and bask in both life’s simple and eccentric pleasures. It’s not the best time to begin planting for the long term, as Aquarius is considered barren, however, this is the perfect time for dipping your toes into what is here and now, available for your pleasure. Planning and ideas for the long term are perfect for today; create the seeds but don’t plant them just yet. While in the waxing phase, the moon is starting to glow and grow and so should you! This is a great time to begin stepping into the light and showing the world some of your beauty and a perfect time to allow others to shine on you as well. Plan a creative and delicious meal, invite a friend! Shine!

Even if it’s just a little. 🌙

Ruling Planet of Wednesday:


Way back in ancient Babylonian times, each day was named according to the planet that ruled its first hour. These ancient Babylonians, (possibly as ancient as 2,000 B.C.),devised the weekly calendar that we still use in modern times! Since this calendar was developed prior to the discovery of the planets Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, you won’t run into them when it comes to our weekly calendar and each days ruling planets, and now you know!

Mercury is the ruler of Wednesday, state of mind, Gemini ♊️ and Virgo ♍️.

Mercury blesses us with right minded rationale, clear vision and thinking, clever analyzation and wondrous communication skills. Therefore, Wednesday’s are a badass day for creating, planning and communicating some seriously badass plans.

What a beautiful opportunity to illuminate just a sliver of your stupendous mind matter for yourself and others to bask in!

Crystal Lynn Rossi,


God , By whatever name you use

It appears many change the name God in order to reject constructs that have harmed their ego or hindered their spiritually. It is apparent that at times in life one will give up the name they used to use for God or decide God has no name in order to maintain spirituality and exclude the version of God that some human or group of humans used to harm them.

The name “God”, however isn’t Gods only name. It’s a man made identifying word used to describe the Source of all. Source is also a man made name we use to describe the energy from which all things came.

Great Spirit, Brahman, God, Goddess, OM ,I Am, Universe ,HolySpirit, Allah, Wahe Guru… The list of possible names to define could be extended to fill the pages of a lengthy book. Just the possible names of God could become a life study and religion.

Many of us seem to accept several names and explanations for GOD(including myself) while others reject names that trigger their bodies to remember the harm or hindrance caused to them. We often forget or fail to realize that the harms committed were not carried out by God itself … but by other human beings who used the name of God for their individual power and/or agenda.

Resistance to the names used by another to describe Source should signal us to acknowledge a place within ourselves where separation from one another still exists. Spirituality, when mastered, has overcome the resistances that support the ego created illusion of separation.

All religions were/are practices of spirituality that a human ego identified with so intensely that they either twisted the practice to create singularity about them self and the people similarly using their practice or were specifically taught by some other ego(s) that believed or wrote down that the practice is the only truth etc…

The ego loves to create separation. To find ways to separate and elevate itself above other egos. To give itself a label. To award itself a diploma and wear a badge that says “I Am Right” .

All beings are spiritual whether they have devoted themselves to a path of exercising it or not. Even spirituality has become religion once an individual or group of egos has declared themselves as “right” and denied the ever present spirituality of those who exercise the spirit in a way different from their own.

Yes, one can believe or say they have spirituality without God -but using a different name for Source other than God has not eliminated the Source. The absence of a word to describe Source is really just an egoic tool that exists because of one’s own personal perspective and resistance to something in their own psyche.

God is Source, is the One Spirit, is the origin of all that is and was and is to come and is ever present in spirituality whether one’s ego likes the word God or not.

Crystal Lynn Rossi


To Know that I Don’t Know

To admit that you don’t know everything is to remain teachable.

In the 50s ,I believe it was, there was a movement and belief where even doctors and scientists said to put baby oil on children and sit them out in the sun to acquire a nice sunburn to clear up chicken pox and skin conditions.

They thought for sure they “knew”.

Many times what we think we know right now proves to be absolutely absurd and completely wrong as we do further research and new details emerge, or we personally grow and evolve past that knowledge.

At any moment one must realize that information can change, facts can be added and removed and what we think we know may prove to be wrong.

When one is humble enough to realize that knowledge is ever evolving and changing one can keep an open mind and heart.

The only thing one can truly know is that it’s quite possible that what they know could be wrong.

~Crystal Lynn Rossi


Fear, it’s not the Villain here


Fear is an emotion.

Emotions are our own personal radar system that help us process our state of being. An emotion is a natural instinctive state of mind that is triggered by one’s circumstances, relationships with others, previous experiences and one’s own personal definition of the emotion or event that has triggered it to arise.

This said, fear can be felt by Sofi when a dog is near because she was bit as a child whereas Cindy feels happiness and comfort in the presence of the same dog because she has never had a traumatic experience or has processed it and already made peace with it. Sofi’s fear is not unwarranted or for her to ignore , its for her to observe and make decisions based on her current situation so she can preserve and maintain her wellbeing.

Emotions are felt and then observed so that we can discern our state of being. Are we safe right now or are we experiencing the emotion due to it reminding us of a past event where we were not safe?

When we observe an emotion and experience a feeling be it pleasant or unpleasant we must remain cognitively aware that the feeling we experience is not due the feeling itself but is due to our definition of the feeling . If we begin to say “I AM afraid instead of I’m experiencing the feeling of fear and should discern why… we become the emotion which is not meant to be a being but a message system from ourselves.

Fear comes from our own beliefs and/or our instincts.

Fear should never be ignored but should be often times overridden after we have located its origin.

If fear is triggered in you and it causes you to cautiously look both ways and then cross the street… and then the reminder passes. In fact most of us override fear after processing it hundreds of times a day . Fear actually assists with our staying alive and well. Fear isn’t a negative emotion by comes and goes mostly unnoticed as it sends us little reminders that keep us from getting hurt, sick etc…because it transmutes into what many people call common sense.

Fear is villainized by many of us because we define it as the cause of feelings that are unpleasant and or the root of the results we do not want.

Fear isn’t a villain . Our reaction to experiencing fear is in fact responsible for the negative and unpleasant feelings and our own decisions of what to do because of the feelings.

Fear itself is not a liar. Fear isn’t a being. You are the creator of your fear and you create based on what you believe prior to the experiencing of each instance of fear. If you believe something is bad and evil and dangerous and then come in contact with it … it triggers the fear emotion to be released into your system and now it’s time to observe your emotion. This is because maybe it’s based more on a prior event and you can decide you’re not in danger. Maybe you will decide it’s your common sense saying, “hey, look both ways, have a plan”. Maybe you will realize you’re in immediate danger and take action to protect your being. So it’s not that fear is always a liar but that sometimes we lie to ourselves because we believe something that isn’t true in that moment.

Fear doesn’t Cause panic.

Our beliefs about fear cause our reactions to its presence and if we believe feeling fear means we should panic, if that’s our chosen or natural response —then we will panic. Fear didn’t panic… we did.

Villainizing an emotion is an unconscious form of emotional and psychological self invalidation and is often a huge hurdle people use to spiritually bypass every unpleasant emotion that arises. It’s a waste of time pointing our fingers at fear instead of at our own reactions to it.

I too preach about fear being a liar , a thief etc…. but it’s metaphorical when I say it and I really hadn’t realized the harm I was causing by assuming most people knew that I was being poetic. I’m seeing the harm in not being precise with the magic spells that words can weave.

What I am saying is that it’s okay to Feel the fear , thank it when it assisted and release it as you move on with the lesson OR realize you felt it because of a trigger that doesn’t apply now and then release it. BUT in all circumstances RELEASE IT. Emotions are to be felt and not for us to become.


It is what you make it.

Crystal Lynn Rossi

